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Séminaire International du 25 novembre 2010 Acceptabilité sociale et fonctionnelle des Changements Techniques et ORganisationnels dans les systèmes de transport

International workshop on Acceptance of new technologies: The example of driver support systems

Thursday November 25, 2010 from 9:30am to 5pm
Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault 75013 Paris

The workshop is organised by F. Saad (INRETS-GRETIA) with the contributions of J-C Abric (Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale, Université de Provence), C. Chauvin (GdR Psycho Ergo, CNRS), B. Cahour (CNRS, Télécom ParisTech).


Welcome : Béatrice Cahour (CNRS, Télécom ParisTech)

Introduction : Farida Saad  (INRETS, GRETIA)

Chair person of the first session: Béatrice Cahour

Lena Nilsson (VTI, Sweden) - Measuring acceptance - is it possible and how to do it?

Samantha Jamson (University of Leeds, UK ) - Acceptability data – what should or could it predict?

Emeli Adell (Trivector Sweden) - Drawing from IT: is the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology applicable to driver support systems?

Xavier Chalandon and Nathalie Herberth (RENAULT, Dpt Recherche, Ergonomie, Perception et Facteur Humain) - Attractiveness and use of GPS device

Chair person of the second session : Christine Chauvin

Oliver Carsten (University of Leeds, UK ) - What’s the link between acceptance and usage?

Bako Rajaonah (LAMIH, Université de Valenciennes) - What's the link between trust and acceptability?

Farida Saad. (INRETS, GRETIA) - Circumstantial and temporal dimensions of acceptability

General discussion